Since 1969, Big Brothers Big Sisters of Washington County has been a force for change, connecting volunteers with children to help them empower every child for their brightest future. As part of the nation’s largest volunteer supported mentoring network, we make meaningful, monitored matches between adult volunteers (“Bigs”) and children (“Littles”). We believe in igniting our community to make Washington County strong today- and tomorrow. Big Brothers Big Sisters of Washington County develops positive enduring relationships that have a direct and lasting effect on the lives of young people.
Want to cruise through some of our old school photos? Scroll to the bottom of the page and enjoy!
. . . Our Matches
Support that Lasts a Lifetime
Matches are supported by individual case workers called Match Support. Match Support are degreed, professional support staff. These case workers nurture families, mentors, and youth for the entire duration of enrollment and the length of the Match. Match Support connect parents to much-needed resources, coach Bigs in their mentorship, connect with school counselors and family liaisons, administer surveys, run programs, events and track the success of Littles over time. The job of Match Support is the highest programming expense as well as the most important position in the Big Brothers Big Sisters agency. This position is the heart and soul of Big Brothers Big Sisters and is the key to the volunteering service delivery model. With over 200 volunteers, Match Support staff support the over 1,000 impacted individuals within our program. Impacted individuals include parents/guardians, siblings and volunteer families. Match Support contact Big, Little and parent monthly to ensure child safety. BBBSA National Standards require each affiliate to reach a benchmark of contacting 90% of individuals in a Match monthly. By investing in strong Match Support professionals Big Brothers Big Sisters of Washington County has the biggest impact through mentoring with Washington County Youth.
. . . Diversity, Equity and Inclusion
Big Brothers Big Sisters of Washington County is committed to diversity and inclusion. We broadly define diversity as, “the mosaic of people who bring a variety of backgrounds, styles, perspectives, beliefs and competencies as assets to the groups and organizations with whom they interact.” In the work of Big Brothers Big Sisters of Washington County, this includes the children we serve, our volunteers, or communities, partners, donors, board, and staff. It includes understanding the implications that race, ethnicity, religion, gender, income level, geography, and sexual orientation can play in impacting positive outcomes for the children we serve.
Our mission is to create and support one-to-one mentoring relationships that empower our youth.